Did You Know? (Fun Facts)

Over my years of scouring the web for the tiniest bit of Thomas info, I have found a few fun facts, along with some interesting sites, movie reviews, etc. Just stuff Thomas fans might find interesting. See how many you knew.

Thomas, a Lutheran?

Yup, according to a site entitled Famous Lutherans, Thomas is just one of many famous people under the Lutheran denomination. You knew he was Christian, but I bet you didn't know what denomination he was! He was even interviewed recently by a Lutheran Magazine, M Louie, for their Spring 2002 issue. Check out the interviews section for full text of the online interview.

Cutaway was given a $10 million advertising budget?

Yeah! According to a Stephen Baldwin fan site, that was the budget granted ot the film. You'd think for $10 million one of the TIN fans who was eagerly awaiting its release would have heard about it. But it ended up world premiering on the USA cable network at 9:00 P.M. October 3rd, 2000. So I wonder whatever happened to that $10 million...LOL

The T.I.N.Men CD is on file at the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)

Yeah, check out this picture of him dropping it off at their offices.

Pictured with Thomas is ASCAP's Randy Grimmett.

Thomas received critical praise for his portrayal of Kevin in American Pie

That might have to do with Thomas' true nature coming out in his work. Thomas recently said "In high school, I was the guy that got along with everyone and in that same regard my character KEVIN is the one that most people can relate to". Another aspect had to do with as this critic puts it "The matter-of-factness with which girlfriend and boyfriend talk about taking the final step -- while routinely doing everything else but - has the ring of truth". I agree.

Thomas was a celebrity judge for UCLA's "Spring Sing 2000"

Another little known fact... I found this out from visiting the Spring Sing Judges Site. Apparently it's a big deal, because people like Ronald Reagan and Jack Lemmon have served as judges in the past. Check out the site for a peek at this year's judges.

Despite Critics, Thomas was nominated for a Youth in Film Award for his role as Calvin Fuller in A Kid in King Arthur's Court.

Thomas was nominated for Best Young Supporting Actor in a Feature Film for the 1994-95 film season.

Thomas and his band, the T.I.N.Men played at the Academy Awards

Okay, so they didn't play AT the awards, but the T.I.N.Men did play at a 2000 Academy Awards Post Party.


Sexy Rules of Attraction Wallpapers and Screen Shots (no Thomas in them, but still cute)

Fun Rules of Attraction Quotes and Trivia courtesy of IMDB

(Best quote by Thomas' character Mitchell in Rules: "Old Enough to Pee, Old Enough for Me!")

Fun Halloween: Resurrection Quotes and Trivia courtesy of IMDB

(Best quote by Thomas' character Bill in Halloween 8: "One flash and you can light up a thousand computer screens.")

American Pie 2 Trailer at Hollywood.com

A transcript of an Episode of Party of Five that Thomas was in: Episode 22- Falling Forward

Listing of movie mistakes from American Pie and American Pie 2

Thomas' We Will Get Laid Monolougue:

We Will Get Laid!
written by Adam Herz
Kevin: Alright, I got an idea. But it stays between us. Agreed? Okay. It's really simple. We make an agreement -- no wait, more than an agreement.
Jim (Jason Biggs): Like a bet?
Kevin: No, a pact. No money involved. This is more important than any bet. Now here's the deal: We all get laid before we graduate.
Oz (Chris Klein): Dude, it's not like I haven't been trying to get laid.
Kevin: This is different. This is better. Think of when you're working out, Oz. You need a partner, someone to spot you. Someone to keep you motivated. That's what we are, we keep each other on track. Prior to this day, we've postured. We've procrastinated. We've pretended. We've -- well I can't think of other p-words, but we've probably done them too.
Jim: Pontificated.
Kevin: (ignoring) Separately, we are flawed and vulnerable. But together, we are the masters of our sexual destiny!
Jim: (kung-fu movie voice) Their tiger-style kung-fu is strong; but our dragon style will defeat it!
Oz: (same as Jim) The Sha-lin masters from east and west must unite!
Kevin: Guys, guys -- you're ruining my ****ing moment here. Now think about it -- no longer will our penises remain flaccid and unused! From now on, we fight for every man out there who isn't getting laid when he should be! This is our day! This is our time! And, by God, we're not gonna let history condemn us to celibacy! We will make a stand! We will succeed! We will get laid!

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